“Me Time’’ Is Very Important Don’t Neglect It……

3 min readMay 17, 2021

Nowadays when life has become so busy, so fast, finding time for ourselves has become quite difficult and challenging task for everyone. The outcome is that it directly affecting our mental health as every 1 out of 2 person is suffering from some kind of stress, hypertension and depression.

Mental health is equally important as that of Physical health. If you are mentally healthy then only you can be physically healthy.

Being a wife and a mother of a 4 year old kid now I have a lot of responsibilities, and generally I don’t used to get any time for me i.e “Me Time” As I was regularly involved in household work and started ignoring myself, my priorities. Soon I realized that by neglecting myself I get frustrated and it also started reflecting in my behavior.

Then one day I sat quietly and started thinking that what is going wrong with me, then I realized that the frustration is all due to the lack of “Me Time”

Earlier life was not like that. Before marriage I don’t have any responsibilities, I used to do job, I was independent and had lot of “Me Time” which keeps me happy. But now things have changed. I definitely enjoying my motherhood and I consider it as a blessing but also realized that dedicating sometime to myself is also equally important. If I will not be happy then how can I make my family happy. So, by that time I decided that how much busy I may be I will take out some “Me Time” for me.

By “Me Time” I mean the quality time which you can squeeze out from your busy schedule to keep yourself happy and relax.

Give at least half an hour to one hour to yourself and make sure to make it as a regular habit. Soon you will realize that this half an hour or one hour will change your life, and the result will be that you will feel very relaxed and calm and gradually all your frustration will disappear.

In this time do whatever you like to do like it can anything which you can really enjoy like

. watching a movie

. reading

. listening to music

. dancing

. doing some creative work of art and craft

. grooming yourself

. gardening

these are something in my list which if you like you can do

If you ask me what I am doing for my “Me Time” , Then I want to say that I started a you tube channel i.e a cooking channel.


For this I used to do a lot of research in food recipes, I also joined a course and get certified. By doing this I realized that my cooking improves a lot. Now by doing this I get 2 benefits firstly I am doing something creative and secondly my family relishes the yummy food.

Apart from that I also started writing. Writing is the thing which i always wanted to do since my childhood. I am just loving it.

Now as the time passes I am feeling a sense of satisfaction in me, It feels like something which was incomplete in me now gets completed.

One thing I want to say that if you are satisfied then only you can be happy. Mathematically satisfaction is directly proportional to happiness.

Genuinely friends from the day I am giving the quality “Me Time“ to myself things get changed now I feel myself very calm and relaxed.

So, friends you can also give it a try and I guarantee you that the results will be definitely fruitful.




Currently I am a homemaker and a youtuber, earlier I used to do a job as quality officer in a food company. I love to read and write so let's get started.